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English version Russian version


3(56) 2021

AuthorsS. Borisov, N. Korotaev
Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
AbstractThe article considers the positions of Orthodox church architecture in relation to the process of architectural education. The novelty of the question we have raised is the theoretical justification and practical development of a comprehensive direction in the architecture and art of the Russian Orthodox Church, which is being undertaken for the first time. This direction simultaneously has autonomy and inclusion in modern general cultural trends. A special feature of the work is the justification of the applied architectural methods, based on the theological approach, consisting in the analysis of the doctrine and history of the Orthodox Church. To solve this problem, we have for the first time applied its structuring in accordance with interrelated, but having a certain independence, positions in the field of temple architecture. In the article, we concretize the tasks of studying the issues of tradition and modernity, studying the ratio of functional filling and shaping, developing methods of formalization in the design methodology.
Keywords: the theological and pedagogical approach, architecture and art of the Russian Orthodox Church, design methodology
article Article (RUS)

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For citation

Borisov S., Korotaev N. Theological and Pedagogical Approach in Educational Process of the Department «Temple Architecture». Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2021, no. 3(56), pp. 363378. Available at: https://marhi.ru/AMIT/2021/3kvart21/PDF/23_borisov.pdf DOI: 10.24412/1998-4839-2021-3-363-378