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English version Russian version




Article submission guide before publishing in international electronic science and education journal Architecture and Modern Information Technologies - AMIT


  • AMIT journal publishes original and survey articles both in Russian and in English according to subject in terms of effective Nomenclature of scientific specializations, for which science degree are granted: 05.23.20 Theory and history of architecture, restoration and reconstruction of historical and architectural heritage; 05.23.21 Architecture of buildings and structures. Creative concepts of architectural activities; 05.23.22 Urban and rural settlement planning.
  • The journal has 4 regular issues a year - March 15, June 15, October 01, and December 15. The editors can make an extra special editions of the journal, if required.
  • Manuscripts of articles for publication in next regular issue of the journal can be received, respectively:
    - from authors having a Candidate of Science degree, Doctor of Science degree or Associate Professor and a higher academic title - up to January 15, April 15, August 1 and October 15;
    - from ma
    gisters, postgraduate students and authors without a degree or title - up to January 1, April 1, July 15 and October 1;
    - article receipt deadlines for special editions of the Journal are declared individually in Events section.
  • The editorial office and the Editorial Board reserve the right to determine an issue date. The editorial office shall notify authors about an approximate issue date (number of issue, in which the received article is planned to be included).
  • The editorial office and the Editorial Board reserves the right to reject, edit and review the article submitted for publication in the Journal. All articles received in the Journal editorial office shall be subjected to a double review under requirements for publication of scientific literature of the Supreme Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.
  • Requirements to publications in the Journal are formulated on the basis of the Procedure of Registration of Electronic Scientific Publications, Articles in which are Equal to Published Works Reflecting the Basic Scientific Results of Dissertation, that can be found on the following web site:
  • Only original, previously not published articles can be accepted for publishing in the Journal. All articles shall be subjected to the anti-plagiarism checking.
  • Publication of articles in AMIT Journal is free.
  • Access to full text publications in the Journal is free.




Article submission guide

  • Any article shall be drawn up in accordance with the sample, that shall be strictly adhered to! Article can be sent back to the author(s) for correction, or rejected from publishing in case of non-compliance with the requirements below.
  • Article and accompanying documents shall be in Russian or English. Accompanying documents in other languages shall have certified translations in Russian or English (according to the language of the article).
  • When writing an article in a foreign language, the author shall have the text edited by a professional linguist, a native speaker.
  • The following shall be taken into account when typing an article: scope of the text in Microsoft Word format without illustrations 7 sheets, A4 (20 thousand characters minimal), Arial font 11, line spacing - single, formatting - across the width, indentation - no, all fields (left, right, top and bottom) - 2 cm, numbering from the top on the centre of the page.

    Download an article execution sample
  • Article shall include the following elements decorated as specified in requirements of the Journal, in the order listed below. In Russian from 1-4 paragraphs, then in the same order in English, then the text of the article, the reference list in Russian and English accompanied by transliteration, information about the author(s) in Russian and English:
    1. Name [in capital letters Arial 14];
    2. Author [initials, last name (not more than three from one organization), font Arial 11 bold];
    3. Name of organization represented by the author [if the composite author includes employees of the different organizations, then the place of work/study of each co-author shall be specified, font Arial 11 italics];
    4. Article summaries and key words (see recommendations);
    5. Text of the article, figures and tables (see recommendations);
    6. Reference list (See the sample);
    7. Information about the author (see recommendations).
  • Under-figure inscriptions. Any images, as well as text materials are subject to copyright protection. Therefore, specify the source in subscriptions under figures (graphs, drawings, drafts, photos, etc.), unless the image is property of the author of the publication.
    • If a figure taken from a source included in the bibliographic list of the article, then the number of the source shall be indicated in the legend text in square brackets;
    • If a figure taken from a source included in the bibliographic list of the article, but processed by the author afterwards, then the number of the source shall be indicated in the legend text in round brackets, accompanied by the relevant comment. For example: (as per [6] in author interpretation);
    • If a figure taken from a source, not included in the bibliographic list of the article, then the source shall be indicated in the legend text in round brackets (including the web page)
    • Photos posted in the article made by the author himself shall be accompanied by the relevant entry in parentheses at the end of the legend text: (copyrighted photo)
    • List of figures to the article indicating their sources can be documented as a separate list at the end of the article to avoid overloading of the text of the article (see the sample)


Documents accompanying the article

  • Application for publication of the article (Download sample). 
  • Application addressed to the Chief Editor of AMIT Journal, signed by the head of the organization or the head the sub-department and properly sealed (for external authors). (Download sample). 
  • Extract from the record of the sub-faculty meeting where the author works or studies, with the recommendation for publication the article in AMIT Journal (for authors being MARKhI employees or students).
  • WARNING! The application (for external authors) or the extract from the record of the sub-faculty meeting (for MARKhI authors) shall include the following entry: “The article can be published in public sources". The AMIT Editorial Office shall reject a manuscript of articles without consideration in case of absence of the record.
  • License Publisher's Agreement (issued after approval of manuscripts and adoption of resolution on publishing the article) (download sample). 

Procedure of consideration of article submitted to the Journal editorial office and its approval

  • Article prepared and formatted as specified in the Article submission guide, and accompanying documents (except the License Publisher's Agreement) shall be sent by the author to the Journal editorial office for its consideration and approval.
  • The article and the accompanying documents can be sent to the Editorial Office: in electronic form (accompanying documents with signatures - scanned copies) to the following e-mail: [email protected], by the regular mail or delivered personally through the MARKhI office or in the Journal Editorial Office (office 120) in office hours.
  • Articles and applications for publication of Students, Masters, Postgraduates and Candidate of Sciences seekers shall be additionally signed by the scientific adviser/consultant to confirm that the article is personally red and approved.
  • Submitted article and accompanying documents shall be considered by the Editorial Office and the Editorial Board in accordance with rules specified in Section "General rules for reviewing the papers" for adoption a resolution on publishing the article or rejection of publishing, as well as concerning of compliance of the manuscript with execution technical requirements.
  • Article can be returned to the author before its consideration to bring the manuscript in conformity with technical requirements for its execution (correctness of the reference list, image legends, availability of all mandatory execution elements, etc.). After receipt of the revised manuscript it shall be sent for further reviewing.
  • In case of positive resolution on publication of the article in AMIT Journal, the author shall be informed about this via email with indication of the Journal issue number, in which the article is to be published.
  • After making alteration and addition subject to comments of publisher's readers (if required), the author(s) shall sign the printout of the final version of the article (articles of Students, Masters, Postgraduates and Candidate of Sciences seekers shall be signed by the scientific adviser/consultant) and sent by post at the following address, together with originals of all accompanying documents: Russia, 107031, Moscow, st. Rozhdestvenka, h. 11/4, corp. 1, build. 4, MARKhI (for AMIT Journal). The papers can also be delivered personally through the MARKhI office or to the Journal Editorial Office (office. 120) in office hours. The accompanying documents shall include a License Publisher's Agreement, formalized and signed by the author subject to the sample situated on the Journal web-site (two-sided print on one sheet).
  • Articles can be published in the Journal only AFTER RECEIPT of the originals of the above documents in the Editorial Office. Therefore, we ask non-resident and foreign authors for early sending the documents to the Editorial Office, considering the mail delivery rate.
  • In article rejected from publishing, the Editorial Office shall inform the author on this and send a motivated refusal upon his/her request.
  • The Editorial Office does not get into a discussion with authors of rejected articles and does not return any materials sent to the Editorial Office.