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3(56) 2021
Authors N. Petrov-Spiridonov
Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
Abstract The article considers assumptions concerned the character architectural and artistic relationship in Russian church architecture, which are associated with the semantics of the category «light». The term «light» has a number of interpretations in relation to church architecture, it also combines the material meaning of light as illumination, light as an emotional state and light as a religious spiritual category. The author suggests that the techniques of Russian church architecture suggested the purposeful development of the architectural image both in the direction of creating emotional and artistic effects of the light-and-air environment, and in the direction of expressing the category of «light» as a spiritual state of a person. The role of the religious basis for achieving semantic expressiveness of the spiritual category of «light» in the architecture of Russian Orthodox churches is shown.
Keywords: Russian tem ple architecture, Russian Orthodox Church, architectural lighting, architectural image, semantics of Orthodox temples
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