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English version Russian version


2(55) 2021

ArticleEnvironmental adaptation: compensatory techniques for transforming habitat space
Authors N. Saprykina
Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
Abstract The article focuses on the problem of the use of compensatory techniques in the adaptation of the habitat space, based on objective methods, which have developed, both in the natural sciences and in information technology. The purpose of the article is to consider approaches to solving the problem of identifying concepts that use compensatory techniques to modify the habitat space. The theoretical platform, preconditions and tools for the formation of compensatory techniques based on analysis of theoretical research and design and experimental developments have defined. This allows us to consider the very different properties of the ecosystem in the process of its creation, operation and further development. As the result of the study, modern progressive compensatory techniques have identified and precedents for their application in the formation of the habitat space have presented. Research results could be a generator of new information, social and cultural innovations to develop alternative approaches to improving people's living conditions.
Keywords: compensatory techniques, environmental adaptation, reorientation, transformation, conversion, modification, habitat space
article Article (RUS)

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For citation

Saprykina N. Environmental Adaptation: Compensatory Techniques for Transforming Habitat Space. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2021, no. 2(55), pp. 17–36. Available at: https://marhi.ru/AMIT/2021/2kvart21/PDF/02_saprykina.pdf DOI: 10.24412/1998-4839-2021-2-17-36