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4(53) 2020
E. Barchugova, N. Rochegova
Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
Abstract The phenomenon of globalization has led to the stratification of society. Dissociation of the society on different levels has destabilized it, and has led to world conflicts and wars. The search for ways to consolidate society is an urgent problem and it lies in the interdisciplinary space of joint research of politicians, economists, cultural scientists, sociologists and architects.
In the case of association of society, and enhancing its civic consciousness public spaces play special role. They are the center of activity of citizens included in the multi-level, multi-functional flow of the dynamic environment of the information and communication society. Their reorganization can turn the urban environment into a social comfort zone.
The article provides examples of innovative forms of social and cultural life of citizens in the conditions of digital culture. Experiments on the transformation of public spaces in Moscow are presented: the experience of the Tretyakov gallery of expanding museum functions, renovation of industrial zones and their transformation into cultural clusters of the city.
Keywords: public spaces of the megalopolis, social mobility of digital culture, architectural experience of Moscow
Article (RUS)
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For citation