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English version Russian version


4(53) 2020

Article Method for selecting the vector of development and the basics of the complex environmental code for a specific local area

Å. Petrovskaya, M. Demchuk
Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia

Abstract The article is devoted to testing the method of forming local environmental regulations for the historically formed territories of the district of Lefortovo, the principles of regulating new development within the framework of preserving local tradition and identifying the leading factors that determine its further development. The «triune system of environmental code» allows you to evaluate and adjust the quality of the urban environment taking into account socio-cultural, environmental and psychoemotional factors of perception. The article presents the goals, objectives and results of the research of the master of MARHI for 2018-2020, devoted to the regulation of environmental parameters for the purpose of sustainable and directed development of a local territory with historical and cultural value.
Keywords: environmental coding techniques, urban environment identity, three levels of perception of architectural space, space quality criteria, social and cultural effects of space, distributed campus, local environmental regulations, morphotypes
article Article (RUS)
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For citation

Petrovskaya Å., Demchuk M. Method for Selecting the Vector of Development and the Basics of the Complex Environmental Code for a Specific Local Area. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2020, no. 4(53), pp. 216–248. Available at: https://marhi.ru/AMIT/2020/4kvart20/PDF/14_petrovskaya.pdf DOI: 10.24411/1998-4839-2020-15314