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4(53) 2020
S. Klimenko
Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
Abstract The article is devoted to one of the most famous monuments of Russian architecture of the early 1740s-the Anichkov Palace in St. Petersburg, which has come down to the present time in a significantly rebuilt form. Currently, the Palace is most often characterized as a structure that belongs entirely to the Baroque period of the heyday of this style under Elizabeth Petrovna. However, the original project was created by Mikhail Zemtsov literally on the border of two reigns – the empresses Anna Ioannovna and Elizabeth Petrovna, and therefore needs attribution. The projects and buildings of M. Zemtsov, the main building of which was created under Anna Ioannovna in the 1730s, are considered. The author shows the stylistic heterogeneity of the architect's works – from classical to Baroque works. Anichkov Palace, which became the embodiment of the Baroque line in the works of M.G. Zemtsov, is considered as a kind of result of the development of the architecture of St. Petersburg in Annin period. The architecture of the 1730s, in turn, largely became a continuation of the complex pattern of the style in the architecture of the era of Peter the Great.
Keywords: Anichkov Palace, the era of Anna Ioannovna, the era of Elizabeth Petrovna, attribution, Baroque, stylistic features
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For citation