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English version Russian version


4(53) 2020

Article formation of adaptive architecture objects in the context of kinematic modification of the habitat space

N. Saprykina
Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia

Abstract The article is devoted to the topical problem of the formation of adaptive architecture objects in the context of kinematic modification of the habitat space. The purpose of the article is to consider approaches to the problem of the transformation of architectural objects caused by the dynamic development of society. It was established that the formation in architecture of new approaches to the modeling of the space of habitat is associated with the search and development of ways to organize artificial habitat due to the variability, flexibility, mobility of the architectural space. The study identifies the specifics of the formation of kinetic adaptable systems in the context of regulation and substitution, including the techniques of their automated monitoring and self-management within the framework of the interactive platform of feedback, variability and multi-layering. In addition, the principles of interactivity in the context of space-time pulsations of the architectural environment were revealed, including techniques for reflecting information flows over time in objects that are information landmarks and responsive to the impacts of inhabitants. The materials of the article can be useful for the theory and practice of the formation of the habitat space, as they open up completely new opportunities in architecture and construction.
Keywords: kinetic adaptable systems, space-time pulsations, interactivity, automated control, self-management, information technology
article Article (RUS)
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For citation

Saprykina N. Formation of Adaptive Architecture Objects in the Context of Kinematic Modification of the Habitat Space. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2020, no. 4(53), pp. 3456. Available at: https://marhi.ru/AMIT/2020/4kvart20/PDF/02_saprykina.pdf
DOI: 10.24411/1998-4839-2020-15302