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English version Russian version


3(52) 2020

Article Strategies for implementing an architectural model of a residential environment in the city of Najaf in Iraq

A.A.H. Al-Shaibani
Belgorod State Technological University V.G. Shukhov, Belgorod, Russia

Abstract The article presents the results of a field survey of the living environment of the city of Najaf (Iraq). Its analysis was carried out by the method of two-way interrogation; an architectural model of the living environment of Najaf was proposed. The architectural environment of the housing stock of the city is determined using a set of regulatory, functional, economic, environmental, and social components. The study identified a set of problems associated with the existence of informal housing in the city. The survey results showed that the model of the living environment developed by the researcher is a viable and recognized public. On the other hand, it is adopted by experts in housing in Iraq and in the city of Najaf thanks to the quantitative determination of the components of the housing model and its precise description, which affects the organization of the architectural and residential environment in Najaf. As for the informal living environment as an environment without planning, it has demonstrated its viability in terms of socio-economic components, which requires urgent measures to be taken to conduct a regulatory and environmental review, especially since it has shown great readiness for its reconstruction.
Keywords: living environment, housing policy, Najafi House, architectural principles, architectural model, informal housing
article Article (RUS)

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For citation

Al-Shaibani A.A.H. Strategies for Implementing an Architectural Model of a Residential Environment in the City of Najaf in Iraq. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2020, no3(52), pp. 137155. Available at: https://marhi.ru/AMIT/2020/3kvart20/PDF/07_al_shaibani.pdf DOI: 10.24411/1998-4839-2020-15207