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3(52) 2020
Article Features of the historical of the Karachay-Balkars
A. Krymshamkhalov , K. Soloviev
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, Russia
Abstract The article discusses the architectural and construction features of historical structures on the territory of the Karachay-Cherkess and Kabardino-Balkar republics, studied and described historical structures and simple dwellings of Karachay and Balkar people, and methods of their construction. The principles that played an important role in the historical formation of the craft and construction business of the Karachay and Balkar people are formulated. Both the construction processes themselves and the preparatory period for the construction of log homes are described. The list of construction materials and methods of their delivery to the construction site is given and studied. The subtleties of construction and spatial planning solutions of the Early middle ages are studied on the example of two of the oldest Orthodox churches in Russia.
Keywords: historical construction, Karachay and Balkars, log houses, ancient temples, building materials, space-planning decisions
Article (RUS)
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