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2(39) 2017
Authors D.A. Karelin, Y.G. Klimenko, K.N. Biljan and D. À. Alexeeva , Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
The article is devot to the study of constructional and architectural peculiarities of mausoleums of Maxentium and Tor de' Schiavi and creation of their reconstructions. The main aim is to show spatial structure of the buildings' interior which consists of two connected elements - crypt and upper chamber. The sources, mainly depictions of the monuments made from 16-th to 18-th centuries, let us imagine how did their interiors look and to understand attitude of Renaissance and classic architects to the scheme of a building. This scheme was based on connection of underground crypt with annular vaulting and upper chamber with the cupola.
Keywords: mausoleum, Maxentius, Tor de' Schiavi, 3D-reconstructions, proportional analysis
Article (RUS)
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