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Authors N.I. Schepetkov , Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
Article presents a critical review of the section "Lighting", presented in two standards for streets improving in Moscow. The first (2015) was developed by SUE GlavAPU Mosarhitektury, the second (2016) – by DB "Strelka". It is noted that:
a) the requirements and style of both standards does not match with each other, even though their problems are the same. Standard ¹1 seems to be a fragment of the standard ¹2? But has no cross references. It is not clear which of them moscow designers should be guided by;
b) specific requirements of the standard ¹2 does not coincide with the requirements of the federal regulations of outdoor lighting SP 52.13330.2011 in normalized criteria and their values. The last are given in standards without any scientific or economic justification;
c) illustrations and many provisions of both standards is very primitive and do not reflect the modern domestic and foreign experience rapidly modernizing public lighting, especially in terms of its aesthetics, which indicates ignorance and incompetence of the authors in this field. Electronic version of standards sometimes are not the same as print versions, some drawings and signatures are confused, etc.;
g) both standards have a status of recommendations (think about same status for the standard of food!). For a given capacity it is advisable to call them rules, instructions, manuals, etc.
It is not excluded that not only "Lighting", but other sections proves to be of the same low quality if they will be examined by professionals. It is obvious that such standards should undergo a serious state expertise with assistance of well-known experts and research teams, which was not done in this case.
Keywords: lighting, complex city improvement, lighting design, lighting systems, the standard, urban light environment
Article (RUS)
Al'bom tipovyh reshenij (standartov) kompleksnogo blagoustrojstva territorij «vyletnyh» magistralej goroda Moskvy [Album standard solutions (standards) Complete landscaping exit highways of the city Moscow]. Moscow, The main architectural and planning management , Lebedev Studio, 2015, 512 p.
Svodnyj standart blagoustrojstva ulic Moskvy [Combined standard landscaping streets of Moscow]. Moscow, Strelka, 2016, 550 p.
Dorogi avtomobil ' nye obshhego pol ' zovanija . Osveshhenie arhitekturnoe i funkional ' no - dekortivnoe . Normy i metody izmerenij. Predvaritel'nyj nacional'nyj standart PNST-28 [Highway public. Lighting architectural, functional and decorative. Norms and methods of measurement. Preliminary national standard PNST-28]. Moscow, Standartinform, 2015.
Stat'i i diskussii v zhurnale «Svetotehnika» [Articles and discussion in the "Lighting" magazine]. 2012, ¹6; 2014 Annex 1; 2015, ¹2; 2016, ¹3 and others.
SP 52.13330.2011. Svod pravil. Estestvennoe i iskusstvennoe osveshhenie. Aktualizirovannaja redakcija SNiP 23-05-95 [CR 52.13330.2011Collection of rules. Natural and artificial lighting. The updated edition of SniP (building regulations) 23-05-95].
Content of the journal