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3(36) 2016

English version Russian version


Authors I. Moisseev , Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
Abstract The global changes ought to think seriously on the vulnerability of the flora and fauna of our planet taking into accounts its limited natural resources and ultimately to look for new prospects to reach a harmony within the spatial development. The dynamics of global socio-economic trends show a mixed picture of successes and development failures that are reflected in the divergent impulses of restructuring of the regions and the development of cities. In such development context, a new mission of the urban development should be enhanced by raising the objectives of harmonization of post-global spatial arrangements. To meet these objectives our system of urban planning should be renewed and upgraded. Noting that the prerogative of the successful spatial development are such conditions as the adequacy of the system of urban planning complexity of tasks and the ability to determine the spatial development prospects of the whole system of human settlements. The preconditions for such developments are: efficiency; creativity; functionality; performance accountability; and capacity building for the entire human settlements planning system.
Keywords: urban development, urban planning, theory of urban planning, urban analysis, urban planning uncertainty thresholds
article Article (RUS)
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