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Abdo Esam Ebrahim Ali
Postgraduate Student of the Department of «Architecture, Restoration and Design», Engineering Academy, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Akisheva Vera D.
Postgraduate Student of the Department of Urban Planning, Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Aleshin Alexander Y.
Docent Architecture Department of the South Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk, Russia
[email protected] , [email protected]
Anisimov Denis V.
Postgraduate Student of the Department of Urban Planning, Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Blagovidova Natalia G.
PhD in Architecture, Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Dakheel Heba
Postgraduate Student of the Department of Urban Planning, Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Saint Petersburg, Russia
[email protected]
Devyatov Dmitry V.
Master's Student of the Department of Urban Planning, Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Elena V.
PhD in Architecture, Associate Professor of the Department of Soviet and Modern Foreign Architecture, Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia; Member of the Union of Moscow Architects
[email protected]
Hadi Mousa Edres M.S.
Postgraduate Student of the Department of Architecture, Restoration and Design, Engineering Academy, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Iadadiiaev Solomon R.
Master's Student of the Department of «Design of Architectural Environment», Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Khalil Ivan
PhD in Architecture, Department of «Architecture, Restoration and Design», Engineering Academy, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Kochergin Vitaly V.
PhD in Architecture, Assistant Professor, Head of the Department «Architecture of Medical Buildings», Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia; Senior Research Fellow, FSBI «TSNIIP of the Ministry of Construction of Russia», Moscow, Russia;
Member of the Union of Moscow Architects
[email protected]
Krasheninnkov Aleksey V.
Doctor of Architecture, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Professor of the Department of Urban Planning, Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Kurnikova Ekaterina A.
Master of Environmental Design, Institute of Contemporary Art (ANO VO «Institute of Contemporary Art»), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Likhacheva Larisa A.
Master's Student of the Department of Urban Planning, Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Luneva Yekaterina A.
Applicant PhD in Architecture, Department of «History of Architecture and Urban Planning», Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia;
Independent Consultant in Architectural Historical Industrial Heritage of the Netherlands (The Netherlands-Russia)
[email protected]
Maksimov Oleg G.
Doctor of Architecture, Professor, Honored Architect of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Landscape Architecture of the Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Malinina Svetlana V.
Postgraduate Student of the Department of Urban Planning, Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Markelova Yana D.
Master's Student of the Department of Landscape Architecture, Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Melodinskiy Dmitry L.
Doctor of Art History, Professor, Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Moisseev Iouri M.
Doctor of Architecture, Professor, Urban Planning Department, Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Nasonov Ilya S.
Senior Lecturer, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian, Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Panova Natalya G.
PhD in Art History, Professor of the Department «Design of Architectural Environment», Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Pavlov Nikolay L.
Doctor of Architecture, Professor, Department of Soviet and Modern Foreign Architecture, Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia; Advisor to RAASN;
Full Member of the Russian Geographical Society
[email protected]
Petrov-Spiridonov Nickolai A.
PhD in Architecture, Professor of the Department of Temple Architecture, Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Putintsev Andrei L.
PhD in Architecture, Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Rudneva Tatiana A.
Lead Architect of the Bureau «Wowhaus», Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Rusanova Ekaterina A.
PhD in Architecture, Professor of the Department «Landscape Architecture», Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Natalia A.
Honored Architect of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Doctor of Architecture, Professor, Head of the «Basics of Architectural Design», Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia;
Chief Researcher, Federal State Budgetary Institution «TsNIIP of the Ministry of Construction of Russia», Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Sarvarova Regina R.
Master's Student of the Department of Urban Planning, Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Shchepetkov Nikolay I.
Doctor of Architecture, Professor, Honored Artworker of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the State Prize in the Field of Art of the Russian Federation, Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Shestopalov Sergej S.
Chief Lecturer at the Department of «Reconstruction and Restoration in Architecture», Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia;
Chief Lecturer at the Department of Design, Institute of Social Sciences, Presidential Academy, Moscow, Russia; Member of the Union of Russian Designers
[email protected]
Shevchenko Marianna Yu.
Doctor of Architecture, Councilor of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, professor of Moscow Institute of Architecture, Leading Researcher of the Research Institute on the Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Planning – Branch of the Federal State Budget Institution «Central Research and Planning Institute of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation», Leading Researcher of the Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts of the Russian Academy of Arts
[email protected]
Shubenkov Mikhail V.
Doctor of Architecture, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Urban Planning, Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Shubenkova Marina Y.
Associate Professor of the Department of «History of Architecture and Urban Planning», Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Shulika Tatyana O.
PhD in Architecture, Professor, Head of the Chair «Design of Architectural Environment», Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]
Zheblienok Natalya N.
PhD in Architecture, Advisor to the RAASN, Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
[email protected]