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3(48) 2019
Authors I. Beloyarskya
Vologda State University, Vologda, Russia
Abstract The article gives a short excursion into the emergence and development of socio-cultural phenomenon and architectural and urban ensemble Russian manor. Russian North estates are a separate part of Russian ensemble architecture. Especially a large number of manor ensembles were built in the first third of the XIX century during the reign of Alexander I most clearly manifested itself in the style of classicism in architecture. Russian Explorer, artist and art historian Igor Grabar called the period of the Alexander classicism. The ensemble of the noble estate of Andreev-Rezanov Spasskoye-Kurkino, was formed in the first third of the XIX century, away from the capital cities of the Russian Empire, on the territory of the Russian North there was a masterpiece of ensemble architecture. Studies of the architecture of the main manor house allow us to conclude that it was built in the style of Alexander classicism.
Keywords: Russi an family noble , the estate in The Russian North, the ensemble of the Russian noble estate , the main house, Alexander classicism, Empire
Article (RUS)
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For citation
Beloyarskya I. The Architecture of the Main House of Noble Family Andreevs-Rezanova (Vologda Region). Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2019, no. 3(48), pp. 118-134 . Available at: https://marhi.ru/AMIT/2019/3kvart19/PDF/07_belojarskaja.pdf