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1(46) 2019
A. Ulko, A. Aksenova, I. Yastrebova, Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
Abstract The article recounts a historical overview of the formation of the basic housing construction principles during avant-garde era 1920-1930. The possible urban planning methods of forming a living environment, methods of space-planning solutions of modern residential buildings are proposed on the basis of the studied material. Student's city-planning projects, projects of dwellings for linear, quarterly, tower buildings, made according to the principles of the national architecture of the avant-garde era, are proposed as a result of the study.
Keywords: Soviet avant-garde, garden city, linear city, social city, residential complex, design techniques
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For citation
Ulko A., Aksenova A., Yastrebova I. Methods of Residential Buildings Forming on the Principles of the Domestic Avant-Garde Architecture of 1920-1930s. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2019, no. 1(46), pp. 148-159. Available at: http://marhi.ru/eng/AMIT/2019/1kvart19/11_ulko/index.php