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English version Russian version


2(43) 2018




V.S. Afonin, TSNIIP Minstroy RF, Moscow, Russia 

Abstract This article considers formation periods of multi-story timber construction around the world. Three main periods were distinguished: they are "historical" (VII century BC ‑ the end of the XIX century); "New" (late XIX century ‑ 2009) and "modern" period (2009 to date). The stage boundaries are determined by the evolution of building technologies and materials, the development of constructive systems and methods of calculation, with changing of attitude towards construction of wood multi-story buildings, and other factors. There are characteristics to each period, with distinctive features. Foreign and Russian experience in the construction of multi-storey timber buildings is briefly reviewed. The types of multi -story structural systems of timber buildings, existing to date, are listed there. The main trends in the development of this area of architectural practice are revealed.
Keywords: multi-storey wood construction, sustainable development, green architecture, CLT, ply wood
article Article (RUS)

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For citation

Afonin V.S. Periods in the Formation of World Multi-Storey Timber Construction. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2018, no. 2(43), pp. 41-61. Available at: http://marhi.ru/eng/AMIT/2018/2kvart18/03_afonin/index.php