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1(42) 2018
Authors V. Savinkin, Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
E. Simakova, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
Abstract In this paper, a process of integrating technological and alternative methods of image creation into courses of artistic disciplines for a modern architectural and design education is under consideration. The experiment is aimed at contrasting poetics to reality, linking graphic design to nonstatic arts, studying energy sources, and immersing into a world of engineering ideas. Solving a complex task in student course projects leads to settling control over result unpredictability, synthesizes manual, mechanical and digital methods of creating pieces of art.
Keywords: energy, technology, mechanical installation, plastic arts, environmental design, graphics, architectural education
Article (RUS)
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For citation
Savinkin V., Simakova E. Synthesizing Technologies in Teaching the Course «Basics of Figurative Arts». Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2018, no. 1(42), pp. 364-378. Available at: http://marhi.ru/eng/AMIT/2018/1kvart18/26_savinkin/index.php