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English version Russian version


1(42) 2018

Article new approaches to formation of info-space of the future as a PARTICULAR architectural ENVIRONMENT category
Authors N. Saprykina, Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
Abstract Article is devoted to an actual problem of obtaining information for the various areas of knowledge based on modern methods of cognition of peace in the context of the social dynamics of development of the society. Particular emphasis is placed on the use of a systematic approach based on the integration of areas of knowledge and "not-knowledge", as well as the dialectic of their interaction. The purpose of the article is to identify trends in the formation of a new class of global information system as integrated information space, interactively associated with Environment. It is noted that the global information and communication system for obtaining new knowledge has a complex relationship with the intensification of communication. Found that modern forms of providing information and organizing its consumption can be embedded when you create the corresponding objects in the architecture of the global information system. The results obtained can be useful for the theory and practice of forming the space Habitat, opening up completely new possibilities in architecture up to create habitable computer models for the "electronic nomad"
Keywords: Info-space, system approach, communication connection, intensification of communication, info-city, electronic nomadism, virtual reality, information economy, utopian design
article Article (RUS)

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For citation

Saprykina N. New Approaches to Formation of Info-Space of the Future as a Particular Architectural Environment Category. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2018, no. 1(42), pp. 317-340. Available at: http://marhi.ru/eng/AMIT/2018/1kvart18/23_saprykina/index.php