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English version Russian version


1(42) 2018

Authors S. Konchekov, Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
Abstract In article theoretical model of urban conflict on the principles of management. Depending on this, representation of opposite approaches are considered in bottom-up and top-down planning. The reasons for the emergence of urban conflicts in each of the approaches within the described model are revealed. Based on the chronological consideration of theories and linking the urban conflict, various planning approaches, actual development vectors in town planning are defined.
Keywords: urban conflict, urban planning conflict, top-down planning, bottom-up planning, social engineering methods, methods of planning a «fair» urban environment
article Article (RUS)

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For citation

Konchekov S. Theoretical Representations of the Urban Planning Conflict. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2018, no. 1(42), pp. 269-286. Available at: http://marhi.ru/eng/AMIT/2018/1kvart18/20_konchekov/index.php