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English version Russian version


1(42) 2018

Authors M. Vengerova, Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
Abstract Solutions of the problem of “squaring of circle” made it possible to explain “inaccuracies” in the whole-measure proportional analysis of ancient Russian churches of the Tenth–Fifteenth centuries. This geometry determined the most common width to length ratios in three-nave churches: 8:9, 10:13, 2:3, 5:8, and justified the proportions of the main symbolic divisions: “visible world” to the iconostasis; “invisible world” in the altar; symbolic temple spaces called “heaven on the earth”, “earth” and “invisible heaven”. The structural core with proportions of 10:13 was identified in plans of multi-nave cathedrals and churches with vestibules. The geometric analysis allowed to confirm the existence of “The Life Giving Pillar” in the centre of the dome space, as confirmed by theological works, chronicles and images of ancient Russian icons. The double diameter of its horizontal section represents the geometric record of the Dogma of the Holy Trinity and is equal to the internal width of three central naves, both in three-nave and multi-nave churches. The dome square as the symbol of earth in 75% study churches is constructed to this circle as the symbol of heaven, equal in area. The height to the central point of the vault is proportioned in relation to the width of “The Life Giving Pillar” as 1:3, 1:4, 1:5 or in relation to the temple’s square side as 5:8. The practical method of layout of dimensions and main symbolic divisions in plans of cathedral cores was reconstructed in close connection with the Christian theology. The geometric layout of two symbolic Throne variants (as the Holy Sepulcher or the Throne of the Lord of Heaven and Earth) was revealed in temple cores.
Keywords: architectural proportions, the quadrature of circle, church, cathedral, Ancient Russia, architecture, church geometry, The Life Giving Pillar, Christian religion
article Article (RUS)

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For citation

Vengerova M. «The Life Giving Pillar» as the Basis for Proportions of Ancient Russian Churches of the X-XV-th Centuries. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2018, no. 1(42), pp. 24-46. Available at: http://marhi.ru/eng/AMIT/2018/1kvart18/01_vengerova/index.php