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4(41) 2017
Authors N. Shchepetkov , Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
Abstract Article describe the evolution of architectural physics as a triune (climate, sound, light) is an academic discipline and applied science on the example of the eponymous Department at the Moscow architectural Institute. It is noted that there is a common practice of ignoring the problems on the above topics, as when performing of course and diploma student architecture and design projects, as well and in real design practice, accompanied by deterioration of the situation in the calculation, analysis and valuation of sun radiation in architectural and urban planning projects. Growing interest in lighting design is encouraged in order to maintain appropriate educational goals tasks for bachelors and masters.
Keywords: architectural physics, climatology, acoustics, citologia, color studies, lighting design, normalization, natural lighting, insolation, curriculum
Article (RUS)
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For citation
Shchepetkov N. Problems of Architectural Physics in Architects and Architectural Environment Designers Professional Training. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2017, no. 4(41), pp. 309-318. Available at: http://marhi.ru/eng/AMIT/2017/4kvart17/23_shchepetkov/index.php