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English version Russian version


3(40) 2017


Z. Ziyatdinov, Directorate of Town Planning and Architecture, Penza, Russia


The effects of second home development on the formation of the architectural-planning structures of urban systems of different levels. The definition of "second dwelling". The proposed multidimensional classification of settlements of second homes on such basis as the level of development of engineering and transport infrastructure, the number simultaneously staying in the village people, the cost of individual households and villages as a whole, the territorial sizes of settlements etc. are guidelines for the construction of a classification of settlements, which is a complement to the previously developed classification of second homes. First classified these types of settlements, as arrays gardening, modern country (cottage) settlements.

Keywords: the second home, horticultural associations, dachas villages, outdoor arrays, allotment gardens 
article Article (RUS)

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  11. Ziyatdinov Z.Z. Vliyanie vtorogo zhilishcha na formirovanie sektora obsluzhivaniya gradostroitel'nyh sistem [Influence of the second dwelling on the formation of the service sector of town-planning systems. Magazine Akademicheskij vestnik UralNIIproekt RAASN]. 2016, no. 4, pp. 13-18.
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  22. Ziyatdinov Z.Z. Analiz klassifikacij vtorogo zhilishcha [Analysis of classifications of the second dwelling. Magazine Gradostroitel'stvo]. 2014, no. 1(29), pp. 45 – 51.
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For citation

Ziyatdinov Z. Urban Planning Classification of the “Second Home” Settlements. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2017, no. 3(40), pp. 141-152. Available at: http://marhi.ru/eng/AMIT/2017/3kvart17/11_ziyatdinov/index.php