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1(38) 2017
Authors A. Potapenko, D. Krasnov, V. Moor , Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok, Russia
The article deals with particular qualities of city spatial system data analysis to architectural and urban design in the paradigm of computational approach. The actual research on this subject in Russia and in the world is reviewed. The main types and sources of data used in the study of urban space are identified. The authors analyzed parameters of the urban environment and got the series of city maps such as: residential buildings age, average floors number of the residential buildings, walking accessibility to schools, the height of the city road network, percentage of settlement building blocks, exposure of hills. The article analyzes the Vladivostok areas potential on the basis of connectivity calculation with the population and with the "points of attraction".
Keywords: computational design, spatial organization, urban structure, GIS-technology, spatial data, attractors, population density, communication of areas
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