Article |
Authors |
D. Karelin, T. Zhitpeleva, M. Karelina, Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
Abstract |
The main aim of the article is to study the architectural features of late Roman fortresses in Egypt and to discuss several problems concerning their peculiarities. The preservation of Roman fortresses in Egypt in whole is worse than in the other provinces of the Empire. The best way to imagine how they could look is to carefully examine the ruins, to compare them with the better preserved fortresses in the other parts of the Roman world and to make their 3D reconstructions. The article includes the authors' 3D reconstructions of several fortresses (or their structures). These examples give the opportunity to discuss several important problems concerning their architecture and construction methods.
Keywords: |
Egypt, Rome, late Roman fortresses, 3D-reconstructions, Nag el-Hagar, Dionysias, Babylon, Umm el-Dabadib, fortifications, towers, curtains, portculis
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Article (RUS) |
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