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1(30) 2015

English version Russian version


Article IMAGING OF THE LATE ROMAN CASTRUM – 3: 3D Reconstruction of the Late Roman Fortress at Dionysias in Egypt
Authors D. Karelin, Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy)
T. Zhitpeleva, M. Karelina, TMA Kozhushanogo, Moscow, Russia
Abstract The article is devoted to the study of the architectural peculiarities of the late Roman fortress at Dionysias (Faiyum, Egypt) and creating of its 3D reconstruction. This masterpiece of late Roman military architecture is the rare example of rather small fortress dating from the end of III to the beginning of the IV which interior planning was untypical and simplified due to increase the architectural significance of the principia. The paper consists the brief study of the architectural features of the fortress and its 3D-reconstruction with the explanation of its suppositions.
Keywords: branding, location, the complicated lighting, media facades, integrated priority
article Article (RUS)
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