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1(26) 2014

English version Russian version


Article IMAGING OF THE LATE ROMAN CASTRUM – 2: Computer Reconstruction of the Roman Imperial Cult Temple in the Late Roman Fortress at Luxor in Egypt
Authors Dmitry A. Karelin, TMA Kozhushanogo, Moscow, Russia
Abstract The article was prepared as a part of the project ¹13-34-01203 supported by RHSF dedicated to the study of the architectural peculiarities of the late Roman Imperial cult temple at Luxor and creating of its 3D computer reconstruction. This temple was founded inside the principia of the fortress which was built around the ancient Egyptian temple at Luxor. The Roman temple is the monument of particular interest. On the one hand, its architects used the typical principles of the tetrarchy’s architecture. On the other hand, they had to solve complex task to integrate the new temple into the ancient one using its chambers with maximal efficiency. Furthermore they could use some principles of ancient Egyptian architecture in this temple. The architectural and iconographical peculiarities of the Imperial cult temple were shortly examined in the article. The main result of the study is the presented 3D-reconstruction of the temple with the explanation of its suppositions. Despite hypothetical character of some suppositions it seems that in whole the reconstruction allows to imagine how the Roman temple could look like.
Keywords: Luxor, Roman Imperial Cult, Egypt, Rome, fortress, late Roman, late antique, Late Antiquity, tetrarchy, Diocletian, computer reconstruction, paintings, architecture
article Article (RUS)
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