Article |
Authors |
Yu. Klimenko, Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
Abstract |
The interest of Russian customer to the Paris Royal Tapestry Manufactory of Gobelins explains
the appearance of a number of architectural works, a series of iterations: from a copy of
individual facades, to accurately reproduced quarter layout of the French capital. Similar
examples are found not only in the architecture of noble estates, but also in the design of
Ingerburg created by Paul I.
Analysis of the activity of French architects on this royal factory, the study of visits by top
Russian class allows more precise understanding of the mechanism of borrowing of French
classicism penetrating by different ways not only in private life, but also, more broadly, in
Russian architecture of the Classical period.
Keywords: |
French classicism, Manufacture des Gobelins, Churches with two bell-towers,
Country estate, Rumjancev, Troickoe-Kajnardzhi
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Article (RUS) |
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