Конкурс ППС. Выборы декана и заведующего кафедрой.
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НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ ПРОЕКТ "Наука и Университеты"
СТАЖЁР Минобрнауки России

Structure of the Institute

The general guidance of the Institute is performed b the academic council, elected for a duration of 5 years. The academic council includes: the Rector, vice-Rector of academic studies, vice-Rector of research, vice-Rector of  international relations and academic methodical union, principals of academic faculties and the heads of departments of architectural design. Organizational and academic – methodical work is performed under the direction of the vice – rector of academic work according to the following sub-divisions: the Academic sector, Faculties of general and fundamental preparation (1-4 years of study), of special preparation (5-6 years of study), Department of evening studies, Department of foreign students, Admission committee, Library, Academic laboratories and workshops. All disciplines of the academic program, in order to insure the acquisition of knowledge necessary to become an architect, architect-designer, architect-engineer are united into categories according to the following directions: architectural design, fine arts disciplines, humanities, engineering and technical disciplines. The teaching of each discipline is conducted by a professor member of  the teaching staff  of the appropriate Institute Department, or sub-division of the Institute which represents a principal academic and sub-division of the Institute.


Humanitarian disciplines. The study of a complex of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines secure the possession of fundamental knowledge, the achievements of world and national cultures, the self-orientation of young people in the world, spiritual interests and values.  Departments of this block:

Philosophy, History of Art, Architecture and Town Planning, Soviet and Contemporary Foreign Architecture,  Foreign Languages, Russian Language (for foreign students). 


Architectural design. A block of architectural design Departments accompany the student’s training from his 1st to 6th year. The main objective of the academic design, as the nucleus of an architectural education, is to channel  the entire complex of humanitarian, artistic and technical knowledge necessary for an architect into a professional language. All the architectural design Departments (except the Department of the Basics of architectural design, which is attended during the first two years of studies and provides the fundamentals for the future profession), are undergraduate departments. Departments of this block : The Basics of Architectural Design, Architecture of Residential Buildings, Architecture of Public Buildings, Architecture of Rural Settlements, Town Planning, Restoration and Reconstruction in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Theory of the Principles of Town Planning and Design of the Architectural Environment.


Fine arts disciplines. Disciplines of this block are intended to help students develop artistic skills, intuition, a sense of form, architectural color design, fluent language of urban environment, knowledge of the history and actual problems of fine arts. 


Departments of this block: Artistic drawing, Painting and Sculpture.

Engineering and technical disciplines. The main efforts of the Engineering and Technical Departments are directed towards the active understanding of complex architectural design problems by introducing a constant dialogue, in which any specific information is subjected to architectural interpretation and any architectural problem is technically solved. Departments of this block : Building Mechanics, Architectural Structures, Structural Engineering, Architectural Materials, Land Surveying,  Architectural Physics, Engineering Equipment, Engineering Preparation of Building  Sites and of Transportation, Descriptive Geometry and Architectural Practice.