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  Pic. "Master  Nicolas Eymerich - suspicious" taken from Valerio Evangelisti


Master program  in MARHI is opened since 1999

The graduate’s degree -  Master of architecture


The main educational master program consists of training program of bachelor-architecture (4years), and specialized training for master's degree (3 years). The three-year specialized training programme includes subjects on the specialist’s curriculum, special masters’ training and scientific research or educational scientific work.



Graduation Thesis Work for the degree  of  "Master of Architecture" can be represented by 3 types of work:

·         Historical and theoretical research thesis (research in the theory and history of architecture andtown-planning)

·         Creative experimantal project thesis (which is based on the principal of preponderance of the project part over  the Pure)

·         Research teacher's thesis (study of the general educational or vocational stream).


For his work Master has the opportunity to choose among the following subjects:


521701. Theory and History of Architecture (Chair of the Soviet and Modern foreign Architecture, tel. +7 (495) 921-40-85 )

521702. Theory of Town- and  District –planning (chair of Bases of theory of Town-planning, tel. +7 (495) 925 16 57)

521703. Architecture of Dwelling and Public houses (Chair of Architecture of Dwelling houses, tel. +7 (495) 928 93 45; Chair of Architecture of Public houses tel. +7 (495) 928 10 10 )

521704. Architectural restoration and reconstruction (Chair of restoration and reconstruction, tel. +7(495)925-04-71)

521705. Landscape Architecture (chair of Landscape Architecture, tel. 925-04-71)

521706. Design of Architectural Environment (Chair of Art design of architectural environment, tel. +7(495) 921 74 41)

521707. Architecture of the rural environment. (Chair of Architecture of Rural Settlements, tel. +7(495) 925 31 85)

521708. Architecture of  industrial  infrastructure of the city. (Chair of Architecture of Industrial buildings, tel. +7(495) 928 80 79)

521709. Material and architectural shape (chair of Architectural Science of Materials, tel. +7(495) 925 71 57)

521710.  Economic and Legal bases of Architectural activity (Chair of Architectural practice, tel. +7(495) 923 75 09).

521711. Architectural pedagogics (Scientific-research laboratory of the Development of the architectural image, tel. +7 (495) 928 12 13)



Terms and conditions of admission to the Master program  of Moscow Architectural Institute, specialization 521700 Architecture.


The Master Program of MARHI admits citizens of  Russian Federation, foreign citizens living on its territory,  citizens of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.



  1. For a first year of study of a 3-year Master program  we admit  students  having bachelor’s diploma in Architecture, recommendations  from a State Attestation Commission and from a Chair.
  2. For a second year of study we admit students of the 6th course of MARHI having bachelor’s diploma in Architecture and certificate of listening to the whole theoretical training program of specialist (without defending Thesis), persons with bachelor's degree and academic certificate of completion of the first year of training Masters.
  3. For a third year of study we admit persons having bachelor's degree in Architecture and academic certificate of completion of the second year of training Masters, persons having a diploma f a specialist in Architecture.


      Admission to the Master Program is conducted on competitive basis according to the test's results. To pass entrance tests in the form of interview with a dean of the Institute a special committee is appointed. The committee is composed of: Pro-rector of educational work, heads and representatives of the chairs, the head of the Master program.


    The credentials of the Committee are determined  by Academic Council of the Institute. Committee meets once a year – in autumn ( not later than 10 October). The applicant must have the recommendations from  a State Attestation Commission and from a Chair. On the interview he justifies the choice of the topic of his Master’s thesis and shows the collected materials.


Those who do not come for interview without a good reason, drop out of the competition.



The quantity of vacant positions in a master program for students who study at the expenses of the state is defined by the Ministry every year.


In excess of the defined positions MARKHI admits students into the 3year Master program on paid terms.


Master’s department is placed at room #313 (3rd of the main building)

Tel.: +7 (495) 624 74 74