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Entrance examinations

Day-time Division.


The entrance examinations into the Institute take place from July 16 to August 5 each year with respect to the following disciplines: ARTISTIC DRAWING (or free hand drawing). The first assignment is to draw a plaster bust; the total time is 6 hours per day. The second assignment is to draw a composition of simple geometrical figures; the total time is 4 hours per day. Both drawings are performed in pencil on a sheet of drawing paper 30x40 cm. The most important aspect  of the assignment is to show the structural nature of the model, its precise construction and proportions; TECHNICAL DRAWING (drafting). A given axonometric drawing of a solid volume composition (consisting of various intersecting geometrical figure) must be drawn first in pencil and then presented in ink, including the three main views: plan, front and side. The total execution time is 4 hours per day on a paper sheet 30x40 cm; RUSSIAN LANGUAGE LITERATURE  (composition) – 4 hours; MATHEMATICS (written)- 4 hours.


Enrolment into the the day-time division is conducted on the basis of competition, in accordance with the ruling of the government of the Russian Federation “The imperative financial and social protection of the educational system”, the Institute organizes additional admission of students (besides those financed by the state budget) with partial coverage of education expenses of contracted stuidents. The enrolment into the Institute is taken care of by the Enrolment Commission, which works all year around. The period for the submission of applications for the day-time courses is from June 25 to July 15. Required documents for applicants: the Institute application on the Institute’s form, a high school diploma or a notarized copy (original must be shown), medical health certificate (form 086/y) and 6 photos (3x4 cm).When submitting all documents the applicant must present his/her passport. The Institutes address: 11 Rozhdestvenska street, Moscow 103754, Transportation: metro station “Kuznetskiy Most“ – The Enrolment Commission: +7 (495) 628-32-59, Fax: +7 (495) 621-12-40.


Department of Foreign Students


Way of study: day-time, payment required.


The teaching language is Russian. The full course lasts 6 years.

But if you don’t have the required skills in Russian, Artistic Drawing and  Drafting, you’ll have to attend a special Preparatory Course during one academic year before being accepted as a student. Having completed a full course of studies the students are qualified as architects and receive Master’s Degree with a corresponding diploma. During the same period of studies, the students can also attend a special course on Methods of Teaching Russian and receive a corresponding certificate.

Submission of applications: during the academic year, exams take place in June.


Entrance exams:

academic drawing of a plaster bust, design drafting based on architectural graphics, Russian language (written exposition).

Dean of foreign students:  +7(495 )621-07-30

E-mail: [email protected]



Evening Department

Specializations :

Architecture – qualification “Architect”

Design of the Architectural Environment – qualification “Architect-Designer”

Design of Buildings: qualification “Architect-Engineer”



Way of study: evening, part-external studies, payment required. Duration of study:

complete course 6 years, which concludes with a diploma “architect” (including the first phase of 4 years 3 months, which results in a “Bachelor of Arts in Architecture”).


Admission plan – 50 students.

Entrance tests: interview and presentation of one’s portfolio (drawings, graphics, working/construction drawings, projects), during the second half of June. Entrance exams: academic drawing of plaster bust, design drafting based on architectural graphics.Graduates of architectural colleges (with a major in architecture) are exempt from exams. Persons with other higher education degree - according to general rules.


Design of the Architectural Environment

Way of study: evening, payment required.

Duration of study: Complete course 6 years, which concludes with a “Bachelor of Arts in Architecture”. Admission plan – 12 students. Entrance exams: academic drawing of a plaster bust, design drafting based on architectural graphics, literature (composition), mathematics.

Persons with a Bachelor of Science are exempt from mathematics and literature exams. Whereas those who have a Bachelor of Arts degree are exempt from the literature exam.


Building Design

Way of study: evening, payment required.

Duration of study: Complete course - 6 years.

For those who have a Bachelor’s Degree in “industrial and civil construction” with

qualifications of an “engineer - constructor”, duration of studies is 4 years. Admission plan – 15 students.


Entrance exams:

academic drawing of a still life (nature mort) consisting of geometrical shapes, design drafting, composition, mathematics.

Persons holding a Bachelor of Arts degree are exempt from composition (literature) and mathematics exams. Whereas those who have a Bachelor of Arts degree are exempt from the literature exam.


Submission of applications: from June 1 – 16, exams take place from August 23.


Dean of evening division: +7(495)628-98-91, room 230.