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International Activities of MARHI

International activities of MARKHI consist of several components:


  1. Representation of the institute at the international architectural level in the person of MARKHI’s  president Acad. Kudryavcev A.P., member of International Union of Architects, repeated honored professor of many architectural schools and universities in Europe and US.
  2. International Association Agreements with universities worldwide. Currently MARKHI has the following active agreements:
  •  University of Venice, Italy(over 20 years).
  • Higher School of Dusseldorf, Germany (over 10 years).
  • Bauhaus University, Weimar, Germany (10 years).
  • Shibaur Institute of Technology. Tokyo, Japan (9 years).
  • The university of Islamic Republic of Iran (in the Iranian embassy in
  •  Moscow) (6 years).
  • Architectural Faculty of the Marseille University, France (6 years).
  • University of Essen, Germany (5 years).
  • Warsaw Polytechnic Institute, Poland (over 5 years).
  • Housing and Design Institute of Stuttgart, Germany (over 5 years)
  •   Bialystok Polytechnic Institute, Poland (5 years).
  • Beijing Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture, China (2).
  •  Fondo del Bianco, Italy (4 years, there’re two experts from our institution in the Expert Council of the fund - A. Kudryavtsev and Alexander Stepanov).
  •  Technical University of Braunschweig (Faculty of Architecture), Germany (3 years).
  • School of Architecture in Karlsruhe, Germany (3 years).
  • University of Belgrade (Faculty of Architecture), Serbia (2years).
  • Brandenburgisches Kottbusa Technical University, Germany (2).     Architectural School of Stockholm, Sweden (2).
  • Kishinev Technical University, the Republic of Moldova (1 year).
  • Technical University of Budapest, Hungary (1 year).
  • University of Applied Sciences of Magdeburg, Germany (1 year).
  • Polytechnic Institute, Milan, Italy (a new contract).
  • Architectural Faculty of the Montpellier University, France (new contract).
  • University of Architecture, Construction and Geodesy in Sofia, Bulgaria (new contract).
  •  The Technical University of Berlin (School of Architecture) (under development)
  • Kiev Architectural Institute (a joint program with the Austrian School of Architecture and Construction).
  • Harvard Architectural School, USA (under negotiation).
  • School of Architecture and Design of the Catholic University in Leuven, Belgium (being processed).
  • Pratt Institute, School of Architecture, Brooklyn, New York, USA (under negotiation).
  • Russian office of the "Knauf" company (being processed).
  • Architectural Faculty of the Munich University, Germany (under development). 
  • New Academy of Fine Arts, Milan, Italy (in progress).


     III. Attracting foreign experts to work in MARHI. This school year  MARKHI received several guests who worked at different Chairs of the institute : Italian Professor Marianna Force at the Chair of Foreign Languages  ; German professor Michael Eyhner at the Chair of dwelling houses . Due to the  agreement with DADE visiting professor from Germany Lisa Schmitz worked at the Chair of environmental design  during the fall semester, and she offers her services in the new school year.


    IV. Constant work on maintaining relationships with an international organization which accredits  MARKHI since 1993 - Royal Institute of British Architects.


     V. We keep on working to get ready for  receiving accreditation from the Ministry of Culture of France.


    VI. In early 2006 MARKHI developed extensive documentation and applied to take part in two international programs of the European program "Tempus" :


  1. Town-planning program. Participants are: MARKHI, University of Venice, Warsaw University.
  2. Creation of a new unified curriculum in line with the Bologna Convention. Participants - MARKHI, University of Karlsruhe, University of Stockholm.

    VII.            Academic staff of MARKHI regularly participates in international exhibitions, talks, seminars and symposia.

  1. From 2 to 8 July 2005 11 professors, three students and six student projects from MARKHI took part in the International Symposium on Architecture in Istanbul, Turkey.
  2. In September 2005 under the leadership of MARKHI Professor  Stepanov held a contest of   student’s essay in Tomsk which was attended also by foreign architectural schools
  3. An international seminar of students from MARHI and Shiabursky University under the direction of Prof. Aurova V.V took place in September-October 2005.
  4. In October 2005, Prof. Orlov G.Y., Prof. Bgashev V.N. and Professor Smirnov L.P. took part  in the negotiations on cooperation with the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Karlsruhe, where Professor. Orlov G.Y.made a report on constructivism.
  5. In  March MARKHI took part in the international diploma contest organized by the Fund of Bianca in Florence, Italy.
  6. In April 2006 there was held an international seminar "Heritage at risk" under the chairmanship Acad. Kudryavtsev which was attended by more than 100 people.
  7. In May, Prof. Breslavtsev O.D. and assist. Prof. Tsibaykin A.A.  with students represented MARKHI at the 12th international joint seminar of French and Eastern European architectural schools from 17 countries in Marseilles, France.
  8. In June 2007  at Moscow government under the chairmanship of the Vice-President of the European Society of Culture has been held an expanded meeting of the Board of European Society of Culture where  Prof. Kudryavtsev AP, prof. Shvidkovsky D.O. and Prof. Glazychev V.L. made their reports.



    1. Presently the total number of foreign students is 97. There re students from China, Cuba, Iran, Morocco, Korea, Cambodia, Ghana, Ukraine, Turkey, India, Armenia, Georgia, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Greece, Tajikistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lithuania, the United States, Sweden, Moldova, France, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, Nepal, Thailand.


      2. During the period since 1st September 2005 till present moment the institute has sent 40 students to study abroad:

26 people totally at the expense of the institute; 6 – at a partial expense of the Institute 4  people at their own expenses, 4 –at the expenses of the host country. Geography is quite diverse: Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Britain, Austria, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, Bulgaria, Turkey, China.