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English version Russian version


4(53) 2020


M. Monastyrskaya, O. Peslyak
Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Abstract The article substantiates the relevance and expediency of studying specific forms of European urbanization – urbanized regions of the Baltic States as objects of strategic (long-term, medium-term) planning. The concept and phenomenon of «urbanized region» are described, and its place in the typological hierarchy of large urbanized territories formed over the past decades in the countries of Northern, Western and Eastern Europe is determined. The basic gradotypological features of urbanized regions have been established, according to which two subtypes of such spatial formations belonging to the meso- and micro-levels of macro-regional habitat arrangement have been identified: «supranational» and «national», which differ in the state affiliation of the territories included in their borders, sea and underground spaces. Specific examples of purposeful formation of urbanized regions in Germany, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden are considered; the institutional, regulatory, and organizational components of their strategic spatial planning process are characterized. On this basis, the specificity of urbanized regions as objects of spatial strategizing and urban planning, as well as management of their functioning and development is determined. The results of the research can serve as an information-theoretical and analog basis for the formation of a system of strategic planning of innovative forms of urban settlement in our country and, thus, contribute to the improvement of the current system of urban planning in the Russian Federation for large urbanized territories.
Keywords: urban regions, strategic planning, urban planning, settlement, Baltic region
article Article (RUS)
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For citation

Monastyrskaya M., Peslyak O. Baltic Urban Regions as Actual and Perspective Objects of Strategic Planning. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2020, no. 4(53), pp. 249265. Available at: https://marhi.ru/AMIT/2020/4kvart20/PDF/15_monastyrskaya.pdf DOI: 10.24411/1998-4839-2020-15315