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3(56) 2021

Article The Creation of Guidelines for Adaptive Reuse of Heritage Buildings in Jordan, Case study Palace of the Ali Alkaid Basha (Jordan)
AuthorsMohannad Tarrad, Salam Mtawea Husban
Al-Bayt University, AL- Mafraq, Jordan
AbstractJordan is one of the countries rich in heritage buildings that are distinguished by their style of construction, and the beauty of their composition. This abundance has led to the emergence of a trend of re-use of heritage buildings, as most heritage buildings that have become functionally unused are converted to other uses, as this matter often requires modifications to suit the new use. However, there is often some confusion in knowing how to reuse heritage buildings without affecting on origin buildings. Therefore, it is necessary to follow deliberate methods that take into account the design aspects of the internal space and the structural characteristics of the building. This research aims to clarify how a designer can reuse heritage buildings without damaging their historical value or affecting their structural elements. Where research is discussed by addressing the concept of reuse, adaptive, reuse and its importance, and discussing the policy of preservation and re-use of heritage buildings. Through a heritage building as a case study in Jerash – Jordan.
Keywords: Reuse, Adaptive reuse, Documentation, Preservation
article Article

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For citation

Mohannad Tarrad, Salam Mtawea Husban The Creation of Guidelines for Adaptive Reuse of Heritage Buildings in Jordan, Case Study Palace of the Ali Alkaid Basha (Jordan). Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2021, no. 3(56), pp. 64–78. Available at: https://marhi.ru/AMIT/2021/3kvart21/PDF/04_tarrad.pdf DOI: 10.24412/1998-4839-2021-3-64-78