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English version Russian version


2(51) 2020

AuthorsM. Myagkov
Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
L. Alekseeva
Moscow State University,
Faculty of Geography, Moscow, Russia
AbstractIn the search for a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, considerable attention is paid to the alternative energy sources. One of the most promising solution is considered to be the massive use of photovoltatic elements. In countries with large free from economic use territories, PVP can be used in the format of "solar power plants". In urban areas the prospects for PVP are associated with integration into the outer shells of buildings and structures. However, the use of PVP has a complex of negative consequences for the environmental characteristics of the human environment. In particular, due to a decrease in albedo, PVP increase the amount of absorbed solar radiation and increase the temperature of the environment at their location. The article deals with the bioclimatic aspect of the massive application of PVP in an urbanized area on the example of Moscow. It is shown that this can lead to a significant increase in urban heat island and deterioration of bioclimatic comfort to overheating values, critical for humans
Keywords: renewable energy sources, photovoltaic panels, architecture of buildings and structures, building integrated photovoltatics, bioclimatic comfort, urban climate, urban heat island, photovoltaic heat island, ENVI-met
article Article (RUS)

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For citation

Myagkov M., Alekseeva L. Photovoltaic Panels and Bioclimatic Comfort in an Architectural Environment. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2020, no. 2(51), pp. 255–288. Available at: DOI: 10.24411/1998-4839-2020-15114