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4(45) 2018
E. Malaya, Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
K. Shahin, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, RUDN, Moscow, Russia
Abstract Monuments of the ancient period have a tremendous appeal and occupy a particularly revered place at the origins of European culture. The preservation and restoration of the ruined ancient monuments in Ancient Palmyra, which for many decades amazed us by their well-preserved architectural structures, is an important issue for the preservation of culture and education of future specialists in the field of art and architecture. The development of drawings to restore the ancient architecture of Palmyra can be a key position in the training of architects and artists. The article presents photos of architectural monuments before the war. Now these amazing buildings are almost destroyed, but the study of the future architects of the ancient heritage in the center of the caravan routes between the West and the East, where the Apostle Paul began to preach Christianity, is necessary. Most of the ancient heritage is almost destroyed after the war, the more valuable will be the drawings that will be able to do thanks to the research work on the study of the ancient city. Reconstruction of the ancient and other cultural monuments of Syria will help restore the well-deserved former glory to the ancient cities, preserving the cultural traditions of the Middle East.
Keywords: Cultural heritage, the Middle East, ancient monuments, Ancient Palmyra, the ancient cult of Palmyra, the Roman period of Syria, the ancient heritage of Palmyra
Article (RUS)
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For citation
Malaya E., Shahin K. Palmyra: Past – Present – Future. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2018, no. 4(45), pp. 183-192. Available at: http://marhi.ru/eng/AMIT/2018/4kvart18/12_malaja/index.php