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3(44) 2018
A. Kozhevnikov, Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
Abstract This publication describes three generations of the Kruglov family of architects and artists. If the name of architect Mikhail Nikolayevich Kruglov is well known in connection with his work in the school-studio of the academician I.V. Zholtovsky, the name of his father, architect Nikolai Kruglov is less well known due to the tragic end of his life in Stalin's camps in 1938.
Keywords: N.A. Kruglov, M.N. Kruglov, Å. Ì. Kruglov, Soviet architecture
Article (RUS)
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For citation
Kozhevnikov A. Creative Dynasty of the Family of Kruglov. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2018, no. 3(44), pp. 15-44. Available at: http://marhi.ru/eng/AMIT/2018/3kvart18/01_kozhevnikov/index.php