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English version Russian version


2(43) 2018


N.A. Petrov-Spiridonov, N.A. Korotaev, Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia

Abstract The article deals with the architectural evolution of the Orthodox monasteries and functionally related buildings on the territory of Russia in relation to some significant events in the history of monastic asceticism. An indirect links between development of the monastic dormitories and the emergence of qualitative transitions in the typology of temples in different periods are considered. The basic logical model of the formation of ideological and architectural impulses that determined the quality of the transitions at various stages of development of Russian Church architecture for selected situations done. Assessment of the investigated phenomena in terms of a basic logic model includes a set of religious, functional, architectural, semantic and environmental parameters. The analysis of the prospective use of the results on the development of a modern design of Orthodox churches and monasteries carried out.
Keywords: Church architecture, Russian Orthodox Church, monasteries, architectural typology, styles of architecture, history of architecture from the XI to the beginning of the XXI century
article Article (RUS)

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For citation

Petrov-Spiridonov N.A., Korotaev N.A. The Formation and Evolution of Spatial Organization of Russian Orthodox Monasteries. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2018, no. 2(43), pp. 62-86. Available at: http://marhi.ru/eng/AMIT/2018/2kvart18/04_petrov_korotaev/index.php