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4(41) 2017
Authors M.S. Nizhnik , A.M. Garnets , State University of Land Use Planning, Moscow, Russia
This article is a fragment of research about dancing area architecture. In article had given a historical analysis of an impact of the style tendency on the fields of art, culture and fashion. Authors consider the development of architecture, dance halls in historical context, identified the main, from the point of view of the authors, the stages of development of the architecture of dance halls in different cultural and historical periods:
1 Phase (Pre-Renaissance period of history) universal space in public buildings, town halls,
2 Phase (historical period Revival) specialized premises - halls of palaces
3 Phase (historical period of Baroque and Classicism and beyond) specialized buildings.
Keywords: Architecture, culture, style, dance hall, fashion, composition, function, ball, context, identity, decoration
Article (RUS)
Nizhnik M.S., Garnets A.M. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii v ramkakh plenarnogo zasedaniya, posveshenogo 180-yu zemel'nogo obrazovaniya. Sovremennye tendentsii v proyektirovanii tantseval'nykh zalov [Contemporary trends in the design of dance halls]. Moscow, GUZ, 2015, pp.97 - 99.
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Available at: http://mhmg.pl/oddzial/26/dvor-artusa
Available at: http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/kizil2000/post256024615/
Available at: http://soviet-life.livejournal.com/1984580.html
For citation
Nizhnik M.S., Garnets A.M. Historical Analisis of Dansing Area Architecture. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2017, no. 4(41), pp. 288-297. Available at: http://marhi.ru/eng/AMIT/2017/4kvart17/21_nizhnik_granec/index.php