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English version Russian version


2(51) 2020


Å. Petrovskaya, A. Agaikin, L. Mananova
Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia

AbstractThe article is devoted to the educational method of prototyping as a method of systematization of parameters, assessment of urban planning potential and comparative variable design. The use of the «block designer», collected on time-tested samples of comfortable development, allows us to take into account not only the density of development and payback periods at the concept stage, but also to predict the impact of spatial parameters of the urban environment on the individual's comfort feeling. Selecting parameters from specific prototypes allows you to preserve the uniqueness of the environment of a particular city when forming a new development within the local tradition.
Keywords: comfort of the urban environment, urban environment, quarter, graphic analysis, building prototype, renovation, building parameters, human scale, territory development, pedestrian space, spatial regulation
article Article (RUS)

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For citation

Petrovskaya Å., Agaikin A., Mananova L. Prototyping Technique for Creating a Spatially Comfortable Building Development (on the Example of the Magisters of MARCHI Projects). Architecture and Modern Information Technologies, 2020, no. 2(51), pp. 197236. Available at: DOI: 10.24411/1998-4839-2020-15112