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1(50) 2020
Authors A. Kozhevnikov
Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
Abstract The history of the theater demonstrates the close relationship between the development of drama and the space in which it is presented to the viewer. From antiquity to the present, the transformation of the theater space, which is one of the important artistic tools of architects and stage Directors, has developed and improved. The publication provides a brief overview of the development and transformation of space in the history of the theater. The main milestones in the history of theater development and related techniques of space transformation are considered.
Keywords: theater transformation, transformable theater, transformable hall, transformable stage, black-box hall
Article (RUS)
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For citation
Kozhevnikov A. Space Transformation in the History of the Theater Development. Architecture and Modern Information Technologies , 2020 , no . 1 (50 ), pp . 118 –135 . Available at : https://marhi.ru/AMIT/2020/1kvart20/PDF/08_kozhevnikov.pdf DOI: 10.24411/1998-4839-2020-15008