Article |
Authors |
O. Adamov, Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), Moscow, Russia
Abstract |
The fountain-dodecahedron shape appears frequently in the projects II Leonidov and exists in several versions, each carrying a special meaning. Architectural forms change, but the symbol of dodecahedron always stays with the master. Leonidov puts it in key locations of projects and forms near the contexts, referring to the ancient models of architecture (Greek temple and temple grove, the Roman Forum) and reference it to human thought. "Crystal" is placed on the border between nature and culture, historical heritage and the future of open development, peace and eternity. It serves as a mediator between the worlds. The form is placed in a makeshift observatory on the mountain, it tells the story of the Cosmos and resemble the artist's soul of its cosmic origin. This node pulls all author's world and can be developed as a spatial construction. The form serves as a stimulus and gives impetus to the creative activity of the artist, but at the same time it points to the unpredictability, spontaneous nature of his search.
Keywords: |
Ivan. I. Leonidov, fountain-dodecahedron, spatial structures, antique associations, Cosmos, artist’s soul
Article (RUS) |
References |
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